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Keeping Cryptocurrency Fraud, Crimes and Crypto Scams under your watchful eye - Trending crimes to watch.

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cryptocurrency scammers

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A Message From Our Editor


You've come to the right place if you need to manage risks associated with the blockchain, or cryptocurrency in general. We try to cast a non partisan eye, but work towards making it easier to see the scam offers in the market.

Our aim is to act as a curator for the web, find the news that is relevant in the moment and surface it for you, trim the fat so to speak

Many of us have see or been affected by these 'fly by night ICO's that make promises for riches but end up burning a hole in your proverbial wallet."

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Janine Mashima

Editor in Chief

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How Can Cryptocurrency Investors Protect Their Investments?

Even the most knowledgeable and passionate cryptocurrency professionals recognize that the world of crypto is now rife with new and developing threats Across the web and Social Media. Some people have been victims of frauds, such as blockchain investor and entrepreneur Ian Balina, who stated he lost $2.5 million after his private keys and wallet  information was stolen from his Evernote account by a hacker. (not even dogecoin related this one).

Most passive investors are advised to maintain and protect crypto holdings to less than 5% of their portfolios, and to never invest in crypto at the expense of preparing for emergencies or paying off high-interest debt, according to financial experts - with the aim to pump-and-dump.

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You must safeguard your digital wallets from hackers in the same way that you protect your physical wallet. Put big sums of money in a safe or FDIC-insured savings account to practice good digital security habits similar to how you'd handle real cash.

Small-scale investors with a few hundred dollars in crypto should definitely retain it on a mainstream exchange like Coinbase, according to experts. However, if you've amassed thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency, it's generally a good idea to include a wallet for extra security.

There are two sorts of crypto wallets, known as "hot wallets" and "cold wallets," respectively. Hot wallets are stored or hosted over the internet. They're safe, but they're more vulnerable to hacking than cold storage, which involves storing cryptocurrency on a piece of hardware. Consider cold storage to be similar to a USB-drive-sized safe. It's safer, but if you forget your password or misplace your device, you could lose access to your funds permanently. Lost digital currency is still lost currency.

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Red Flags in Cryptocurrency

For starters, keep an eye out for the following red indicators, which are identical to those seen in classic money wiring scams and credit card fraud:

In emails, on social media posts, and during any conversation, there are typographical errors and blatant misspellings.

It claims to be able to multiply your money.

Avoid contractual commitments that bind you to retaining cryptocurrency and that may prevent you from selling it. Scammers often will stop you from being able to make money using technical reasoning to stop you from trading and being the arbitrator of your financial decisions.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"]

Like cash in a bank, cryptocurrency held in hot wallets is not FDIC-insured. As a result, you'll want to be sure that whichever platform or wallet you use to store your cryptocurrency has strong security features, such as:

Authentication using two factors

Having its own cold storage for a portion of its holdings

In the event of theft or hacking, private insurance policies are available (separate from FDIC insurance). The great thing about the block chain - or block chain related products is that they are immutable, any record that the block chain is altered is stored as a block, on the block chain, and this record can usually with enough leg work allow you to find the conventional point where crypto is exchanged for fiat - the problem being that when you get there, the cash is long gone. 


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We wish to help you in making informed decisions, make choices that keep your digital wallet and cryptocurrency safe from cybercriminals. 

This year, cryptocurrency has captivated the interest of the United States, and "Olympic-level crooks" have taken notice.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Before You Invest In Crypto, Here's What You Should Know." _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

Crypto investments should make up less than 5% of your whole portfolio, according to experts. Cryptocurrency prices fluctuate drastically from day to day, and experts advise not investing more than you'd be willing to lose if the market collapsed. Other financial responsibilities, including as preparing for emergencies, paying off high-interest debt, and saving for retirement via more traditional investment tactics, should never be compromised by crypto investments.

Crypto investors, whether they like it or not, are exposing themselves to a new and evolving danger of cryptocurrency fraud and scams. If you've added cryptocurrency to your financial portfolio or are considering doing so in the future, there are some frequent frauds and red flags to be aware of - there are even Romance Scams.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="What Are Some of the Most Popular Cryptocurrency Scams?" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), about 7,000 consumers lost upwards of $80 million in at least 1 cryptocurrency fraud related scam between October 2020 and March 2021. That's a significant increase from the 570 bitcoin investment scams and $7.5 million in losses experienced in the same months the previous year across the greater crypto market. With the development of bitcoin frauds, here are several patterns to keep an eye out for:

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Scams may require Crypto-Only transactions" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

It's most likely a fraud if a seemingly trustworthy person or retail establishment declares they don't accept any currency other than Bitcoin - or can't perform a transaction without your digital wallet address to fund their liquidity pool.

Because bitcoin and other altcoins are such a new asset class in the crypto ecosystem analysts believe that reputable institutions will not take crypto without also accepting U.S. dollars via wire transfers, cheques, credit and debit card payments, and cash even if this fiat funding is transferred into a coin offering in their crypto space.

Anyone requesting payment in Bitcoin or Shiba Inu, or any of the alternate coin offerings may be attempting to hoard it and profit from its increasing value. Blockchain, unlike banks, lacks standard know-your-customer (KYC) processes. This means that consumers can access their wallets without needing to show legitimate identification, a Social Security number, or their address and contact information. Despite the fact that blockchain is open to the public and provides permanent, open-access records, people can transact on it more or less anonymously, making it easier to deceive you, steal your money, and flee.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Fake or Anonymous Identities in the digital wild wild west" open="off" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"]

The lack of KYC protocols on blockchain combined with an acceptance of some ones perceived need for online privacy is a major question mark for its widespread use as there are really no safeguards in place with a decentralized platform to indicate who is a good actor and who is a terrible actor. It's just a case of buyer beware. On a more positive note, blockchain has the potential to deliver a new level of transparency: All transactions on blockchain are public records because data can't be changed or withdrawn. Investigators from the US Justice Department were able to follow the transactions on blockchain and recover the ransom money when Colonial Pipeline paid unnamed hackers 63.7 Bitcoin (worth nearly $2.3 million) in June.

Hackers moved the Bitcoins around using a hosted wallet, which meant [law enforcement] caught them in roughly five days. With the tools [coders are developing], you can now utilize sophisticated software to do an on-chain analysis and follow where these things travel. However, it will only be a matter of time before law enforcement agencies at all levels of government get enough familiarity with new techniques to efficiently probe smaller-scale blockchain scams like the infamous giveaway scam.

There's still a chance that bad actors will utilise crypto tokens, NFTs, and other digital blockchain assets to launder money on both small and large scales.

"That's a legitimate fear," Padilla says. "For example, you could acquire money from Columbia, use it to buy an NFT, and then wash it in an NFT." Money laundering on a large scale isn't common, according to Padilla, but the tools and compliance framework need to catch up quickly.

"The technology is just getting there," Padilla adds, "to be able to track where that money comes from and where it goes." "However, it hasn't been there for the last half year," he says, referring to the meteoric rise in popularity of crypto and NFTs.

Gemini is a cryptocurrency that is traded on Coinbase is reducing the opportunities for scams.

Experts suggest it is one approach to minimise the hazards associated with smaller, specialist exchanges is sticking with the two most prominent cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have a longer track record of gaining in value than other new altcoins, is also a good suggestion for newbie crypto investors - and generally less attractive for scam artists.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Game and Digital Collectible Crypto Scams" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

Sophisticated coders now have the potential to construct new games and entire imagined worlds on blockchain, as we saw with the "Squid Game" fraud. They can line up many classes of scam victim to accomplish their scam before the next Netflix sensation takes off.

Getting eager blockchain beginners to buy a type of newly produced coin or token for a game is a simple way to defraud them. If enough people push up the price due to supply and demand, the original con artists can sell all of their assets and vanish in a move known as a "rug pull." On the blockchain, unlike bank accounts for federally regulated currency, there is no fraud protection or FDIC insurance. The only method to get your money back when it's stolen on blockchain is for the recipient to pay you directly. That's exceedingly unlikely on a decentralised exchange. While big crypto exchanges have greater fraud security procedures than lesser-known exchanges, investors are still at risk of losing their funds.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Schemes for Investing in Cryptocurrencies" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

New types of cryptocurrency are continually being created, and when new currencies are released onto the blockchain, it's referred to as an initial coin offering (ICO) (ICO). However, ICOs can also be used to perpetrate fraud. A corporation or an individual may claim to have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in a new kind of cryptocurrency with guaranteed 1,000% returns. They may then try to persuade you to deposit a large number of fresh coins into a digital wallet that has been hacked, or to "pump and dump" by buying the coin and selling when the price skyrockets.

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Scams in the Romance Industry" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

Crypto frauds abound on dating apps. According to the Federal Trade Commission, around 20% of the money lost in romance scams from October 2020 to March 2021 was transferred in bitcoin. Long-distance or digital connections are used in scams like this, in which one party presses and persuades the other to buy or provide money for a new cryptocurrency that is really simply a technique to defraud people. This is a scam we arent too informed about as it is fluid in the landscape - but it seems to be a 'send me coin because you love me, and I need the coin to see you - also you cant trace this coin so - see you later'

[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="Scams like data phishing" _builder_version="4.14.2" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}" open="off"]

This type of scam is as ancient as the internet, but there are some additional consequences with cryptocurrency. Bad actors send emails seeking to lure recipients into clicking links and inputting personal information, including crypto wallet key information, just as they would in a "regular" phishing assault. You only get one private key to your blockchain wallets, unlike most passwords and usernames. This is part of blockchain's decentralised nature, which ensures that no single entity has authority over your data, but it can be inconvenient if you need to alter your key.

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Keep a Close Eye on Your Wallet Keys - a crypto scam needs these

According to Mac Gardner, one of the Florida-based influencers and certified financial planners and creator of FinLit Tech, you only get one unique key to access your wallet. If you lose or have your key stolen, you may lose all of your crypto with no guarantee of return.

You'll need a lot of control over who has access to [the private key for your wallet.]" You can forget your username and password if you don't write it down, Each code has a certain process and a set quantity of characters. Because of the virtual space, it's incredibly individualized. If it wasn't, anyone could walk in and seize your belongings, right?

Fraud should be reported.

At CFTC.gov/complaint, you can file a complaint with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States can be found at sec.gov/tcr. You can also contact the FBI if the scam involves extortion or blackmail. Also, once you think or have evidence that criminal actors are at work, report the scam to the crypto exchange you used to make the bitcoin transaction.

Scams involving cryptocurrency are on the rise. Here's How Cryptocurrency Investors Can Keep Their Coins Safe.

An avalanche of cryptocurrency frauds could be avoided by new crypto investors if they just practiced some common sense and were aware of schemes and scams behind this very lucrative cryptocurrency cyber crime.


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social media hackers by definition are seeking to capture either investments like money or cryptocurrency through fraud means.

Of course the pathway to their target can be as complex as brute force wallet key engineering, or as simple as a phishing con.

Crypto coin information scams aim to cash out early, possibly even employing a process making use of extortion to capture as much virtual currency via blackmail in the shortest possible time.

Scammers make use of romance scams, emails and even direct physical contact in order to gain access to a crypto wallet.

Elon Musk has raised visibility of this entire landscape and how it can be gamed, purely through discussion. The takeaways are to make use of antivirus platforms like kaspersky AV, as well as respected payment gateways. Mortgage investors are finding themselves the target of nonpartisan social engineering. Cons like the ever popular squid game came with an inherent crypto token risk, but because of the association with the show many people didn’t see any issue associated with these types of cryptocurrencies nor the privacy issue related to giving a stranger your wallet address.

Bitcoin still seems to be a safe bet (known as a safe coin) News platforms like cnet attempt (like us) to create social security advertisements and raise awareness around internet security finance. But they do little to protect people from a zero-day attack, and although blockchain transactions show a full list containing every single digital footprint as a part of the transaction, by the time those footprints have been followed, the cyber criminal has checked out.

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